Resources for Children with Disabilities – Iowa

Developmental Disabilities Council
Governor’s DD Council; Protection and Advocacy Service, Inc.; and Division of Developmental Disabilities.


NICHCY State Resources
Over 35 resources for the state of Iowa


Center for Disabilities and Development
The Center for Disablities and Development is Iowa’s University Center for Excellence on Disabilities. As a resource for people with disabilities, their families and service providers, the Center provides medical care and related services, training, research, and information and referral services.


Iowa Federation of Families for Children’s Mental Health
The mission of Iowa Federation of Families for Children’s Mental Health is to protect the rights and provide needed services to families who have children with emotional or behavior difficulties.


KidSake Special Needs Adoption Project
This website has been designed to help you understand Special Needs Adoption and the procedures involved. It also is intended to expand public awareness about these waiting children


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