Resources for Children with Disabilities – Ohio

Family to Family Support Network
The FSC is funded by a grant from the Ohio Developmental Disabilities Council ( and is administered by the Ohio Legal Rights Service ( Its purpose is to bring Ohio families who have children with disabilities together to create an organized advocacy group and to provide families with a complete source of information, mainly through the use of the Web site. The FSC Web site includes information about services, supports, special education, legislation and policy, latest news, and family stories for Ohio families.


Developmental Disabilities Council
Ohio Developmental Disabilities Planning Council; Ohio Legal Rights Service; University Affiliated Cincinnati Center for Developmental Disabilities; and The Nisonger Center


Child Advocacy Center
Cathy Heizman
1821 Summit Road, Suite 303
Cincinnati, OH 45237
513-821-2442 FAX


NICHCY State Resources
Over 40 resources for the state of Ohio.


OCECD – Ohio Coalition for Children with Disabilities
OCECD is a statewide, nonprofit organization dedicated to advancing the educational interests of children with handicapping conditions.


View Disability Resource List For Other States
