It is nearing fall again. It’s time for leaves to fall, and all kinds of critters to wander about their fall activities finding food, shelter and a place to hibernate for the winter. A window well could be a nice place for those animals to hang out for the cold winter months. Even in the suburbs you can still get all kinds of animals, from toads to raccoons and deer interested in your window well.
Returning Window Well Customer
I got a call from a customer, local to the Libertyville, IL and Chicago suburbs area, who had purchased a window well cover several years ago who wanted to buy 5 more of the same size. Concerned about animals and children falling into the basement window well covers, he decided to buy more.
Plastic Window Well Covers
Although plastic window well covers may seem like a viable option, they cannot handle the weight of a large animal. We have customers that have had deer fall through a plastic cover. In one case, the deer kicked the basement window breaking it, resulting in the need for replacing the basement window well cover. This event could have been prevented if a Handi-Ramp window well cover had been installed. This customer had all of her windows covered with our custom window well covers.
Steel Custom Window Well Covers with Locks
What differentiates Handi-Ramp from other manufacturers is that we make steel custom window well covers, which means that we make it to fit your specific window well. Custom-built window wells takes a lot of hassle out of trying to go and find the perfect size at a big box store. In addition to the custom-made window wells our window wells are made of steel, which are much stronger than a plastic cover. We can affix a lock to add extra security to the cover.
Fall Proofing Your Home
Fall is the time of year for making certain updates to your home. Consider adding window well covers as a preventative measure for safety reason – to keep out unwanted animals and to prevent children from playing where they should avoid. In addition window well covers keep your window wells clean and prevent leaves and debris from falling into the well.
For information on window well scenes call Handi-Ramp’s experts at (800) 876-RAMP.
Do you have a story to tell about a window well cover? Please leave a comment below.