Handi-Ramp Disability Ezine Resource, Ezines for Handicapped Disabled Children, Adults & Seniors.

Handi-Ramp® Disability Ezine Resource

Ezines for Handicapped & Disabled Community
Ezines for Children Adults Seniors

An electronic magazine published by Young People’s Press to provide a forum for the discussion of disability issues, to inform the broader community about the realities of living with a disability, and hopefully to change attitudes and stereotypes in the process.

Dis-This, Disability On-Lile
The Crip Culture Experience – Ezine for the Disability Community. Dis-This provides informational content for visitors with and without disabilities. Services include Employment Listings and Accessible Real Estate Listings.

Senior Magazine Online, Senior Information Resource
Senior Mag was started to assist seniors that are or will be transitioning from complete independence to needing assistance. Senior Magazine Online provides resources for individuals including directories of the following: Assisted Living Senior Residence and Care, Senior Home Care and Healthcare Agencies, and State and Local Services.

A disability discussion forum for those with disabilities as well as our parents, friends, spouses, caregivers, co-workers. Personal-experience stories about disability awareness, rights and inspiration.

Enable Link Abilities Ezine
Ezine Linking You to Canada’s Disability Community

WAPD Newsletter
World Association of Persons with Disabilities Newsletter. WAPD connects the “disAbled” and advocates to current disAbility information via radio, chat, print and web media.

Professional publication on Assistive Technology for individuals with disabilities. You’ll find news headlines, upcoming events, free downloads, expert advice and product reviews, and more fun stuff to read on assistive and adaptive technologies to help disabled children and adults.

Main Stream On-Line
MAINSTREAM online is a news, advocacy, current affairs, new products and technology resource that supports Disability Rights. The site also features education, employment, housing and other information related to and produced by, for and about people with DisAbilities.

Family Fun On-Line
Great Ideas, Practical Advice, Fun Things To Do.

Ragged Edge On-Line
News from Inclusion Daily Express Disability Rights Advocate. Ragged Edge also features information on abuse, access, activism, discrimination, education, employment, housing, legislation, assisted living/care, transportation and voting. Additional site features include poetry, fiction, reading, and reflections.
