If you have not yet visited Ramps.org you are in for a real treat. Ramps.org is an educational website where you can learn more about the rise and run of a ramp, ADA guidelines, ramp materials, portable ramps, ramps for vehicles and much more.This highly popular informational website is supported by Handi-Ramp. One of the most popular features of the website is the Free Ramp Program. The Free Ramp program is a portal to all of the nationwide and the statewide ramp programs that provide ramps for people who may not be able to afford them. Some of these programs include free labor and materials to build the ramp. Some include funding or grants only. In any case, the information contained in our free ramp program is provided as a service to the community.
We constantly strive to improve the information on the website and to getting the word out to the general public. Please provide information about this free ramp program to members of your network by linking to the Free Ramp Program Section. And if you know of other programs that we should include please let us know.
Please read our new press release for more information.