Resources for Children with Disabilities – New Jersey

ASAH (the Association of Schools and Agencies for the Handicapped)
A professional organization of private schools and agencies in New Jersey which provides highly specialized services to more than 10,000 children and adults with special needs.


Developmental Disabilities Council
New Jersey DD Council; NJ Protection and Advocacy Inc.; and The Boggs Center-UAP.


NICHCY State Resources
Over 40 resources for the state of New Jersey.


Emerson Dickman
The purpose of this web site is to provide understanding about disabilities in a way that maximizes the potential of parents, educators, and advocates to better meet the needs of children so that all individuals with disabilities can be happy and productive in their adult lives.


Family Support Center of New Jersey
The Family Support Center is a “One-Stop Shop” clearinghouse, offering you the most up-to-date information on all types of disabilities as well as national, state, and local support programs and services for individuals and families seeking such information.


Greenhouse Gang 4-H Club
Lisa Rothenburger, County 4-H Agent
310 Milltown Rd.
Bridgewater, NJ 08807
phone: (908) 526-6644
fax: (908) 704 – 1821


Statewide Parent Advocacy Network (SPAN)
SPAN’s goal is to enable all children to become fully participating and contributing members of society. We work towards this goal by providing information, training, technical assistance, support and the exchange of ideas.


Sussan & Greenwald, Esqs
The Firm’s practice is limited to the representation of disabled children and their parents in matters involving disputes with New Jersey school districts.


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