Resources for Children with Disabilities – Virginia

Davis Dyslexia Association International
Gale Long
888-517-7830 (toll free)

Licensed facilitator specializing in 5 day programs for dyslexia, ADD and ADHD from 7 years to adult. Information packet sent upon request. Available to travel if milage and hotel expenses are covered.


Virginia Board for People with Disabilities
VBPD serves as Virginia’s Developmental Disabilities (DD) Planning Council.


NICHCY State Resources
Over 40 resources for the state of Virginia.


Northern Virginia Family Service
Caring for special needs children can be emotionally and physically draining for foster, adoptive or biological parents. Such children have behavioral, physical and/or emotional problems that often require intensive care. Among other family services, Northern Virginia Family Service offers therapeutic respite care that pairs children having special needs with a specially trained family for regular visits. Simultaneously, the visits allow the parents of the child to recuperate from the physical and emotional demands that come from raising a special needs child and to develop skills that are important in caring for children with special needs.


Parent Educational Advocacy Training Center
Parenting a child with a disability means you may need to be an expert at managing educational, medical and social services for your child. Being your child’s advocate in these areas can be a challenge.


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