Custom Aluminum Ramp for Sea Turtles


Thursday, January 19, 2006
John N Rodosevich
To: Christopher Diver
Subject: South Bay Power Plant Beach Access Ramp
Chris — We are pleased with the ramp that you provided. The turtle people are ecstatic.


At the South Bay Power Plant in Chula Vista, California, we have giant sea turtles in our discharge canal. During the winter months, various scientists, biologists, students and school children come to see the sea turtles. They are examined, weighed, etc.

The bank from the beach up to the roadway is steep and treacherous.We would like to install a portable access ramp for transporting sea turtles and people up and down the bank. All of this is located on a bird sanctuary which is an environmentally sensitive area.

The dirt roadway is approximately 8 feet above the beach. We are looking for a 4-ft wide x 30 to 50-ft long modular aluminum ramp with handrails and performa non-skid decking. It could be anchored to a 4 x 4 step-off platform at the top (to be included). The beach is silty and muddy. The ramp needs to be washable — salt water and mud. Scientists carry sea turtles up the bank in a gurney for examination.

