It never ceases to amaze me the various applications Handi-Ramp carries for their products. Just the other day I got a call from an Embassy in Washington D.C who was looking for parking lot post protectors. Fifty of them! For those of you not familiar with post protectors, they are a protective device that is often used in a warehouse where fork lifts are present, protecting shelving and other valuable products. In this case the embassy needed them for inside a parking garage.
Post Protectors are used to Protect Structural Elements or Equipment
At Handi-Ramp we use post protectors to protect our various shelving that houses in-stock inventory. The prongs of a forklift could very easily damage a shelf structure and its inventory, if left unprotected. Post protectors also prevent decay when mounted to wood posts, and offer an attractive appearance when installed. In other cases you may want to use a post protector to protect workers in a specific area. Safety posts are mounted to the floor.
Parking Garages and Post Protectors
Let’s face it, when people drive around in garages they can sometimes be rough and accidents happen. The Embassy garage posts had suffered some damage from cars bumping in to them, and they wanted to insure that the posts were protected and that no one got hurt. The presence of a safety yellow post protector also serves as a warning for drivers to be careful. It also helps in maintaining the exterior of the post, thereby reducing the cost of parking lot building repairs. The posts are made from steel, so they can absorb some of the impact from the vehicle. Post protectors come in range of widths and thicknesses. Handi-Ramp post protectors provide a safety element in that they warn drivers and operators of machinery to be careful. Post protectors protect structural elements of the work environment from deterioration, damage and destruction.
To find out more information about our post protectors or to place an order, please contact our post protector specialists at (800) 876-7267.