Cargo Van Ramp Installation Instructions

Tools needed:

  1. 1 – electric drill with a ⅜” drill bit
  2. 1 – permanent marker (for marking holes)
  3. 1 – wrench
  4. 1 – socket wrench

Number of people needed: 2

Parts included:

  1. 1 – HandiRamp cargo van ramp
  2. 6 – ⅜” x 2.5″ hex bolts
  3. 6 – ⅜” locking nuts
  4. 6 – ⅜” x ” flat washers
  5. 6 – ⅜” x 2″ fender washers

Note: depending on your van model, you may have to purchase different size bolts to ensure the bolt completely goes through the van floor.

If you have questions during any point of the installation process, please give our ramp experts a call at 800-876-7267, as they will be happy to assist you with any part of the installation.


Before installing, ensure that the HandiRamp cargo van ramp will properly fit in your vehicle. It is important to start with a “dry fit” (placed in the desired position but not mounted) to ensure that the CVR will properly fit in your van before drilling the holes for the ramp.

Clear the cargo area of your van to create enough space for the installation of the CVR. Ensure that there are no obstructions beneath the van in order to allow you to drill holes to mount the ramp.

Cargo Van Ramp Installation - Clear Cargo Area

If your cargo van has a spare tired located under the cargo area, remove the tire before starting the installation process. 

Cargo Van Installation - Remove Spare Tire

Lift the Handi-Ramp cargo van ramp into the van opening. This will require at least two people.

Cargo Van Installation - Test Fit the Ramp

Once the cargo van ramp is resting where it will be installed, make sure that there is clearance on all sides of the van ramp.

Cargo Van Installation - Check Clearance on all Sides

There must be at least two inches of clearance from the top of the ramp to the ceiling of the van in order for the ramp to deploy properly. (If there is not enough clearance space, contact us to purchase a ramp with a shorter length.)

Cargo Van Ramp Installation - Check height clearance

There should be at least 4.5 inches of clearance on each side of the CVR and the side edges of the van door opening.

Confirm that the ramp provides horizontal clearance for the van door to close all the way without contact.

Cargo Van Ramp Installation - Check width clearance

Remove the cargo van ramp from the van and prepare the tools and parts required for installation. 

Mark drill holes with a marker (needs mark for spare tire access). You will need 3 holes in the front and 3 holes in the back. 

Cargo Van Ramp Installation Intructions - Select bet locatoin for mounting bolts

Once you have confirmed that the location of the drilled holes will go completely through the cargo floor, begin drilling all holes using a  ⅜” drill bit. The drilled holes should go completely through the van floor.

Cargo Van Ramp Installation - Drill holes for mounting

Confirm that the holes are clean and ready to receive the bolts that hold the cargo van ramp in place during usage.

Cargo Van Installation Instructionns - Check that bolts fit holes

Drill a large hole through the base plate if it is blocking access to a system to lower the spare tire.

Cargo Van Installation Instructions - Draccess to spare tire release

Holes may require reinforcement from the undercarriage. If so, use the included fender washers underneath the vehicle to spread the weight appropriately so that the nut does not pull through the hole underneath the vehicle.

Get the bolts, washers, and nuts ready. Following the suggested bolt pattern, place a bolt in each of the holes you drilled. While holding the lock nut in place with a wrench under the van, use a socket wrench to tighten each bolt. 

Check to make sure that the ramp is still straight and level during the tightening process to ensure that the ramp will deploy fully.

The built-on caster wheels minimize the effort of deploying the ramp and allow you to roll the ramp out smoothly.

Cargo Van Ramp Installation. Instructions - wheel casters make deployment easy

For 1,500 lb capacity ramps only: adjust the center legs using the threaded axles so that all legs touch the ground evenly.

Cargo Van Ramp Installation Instructions - Legs for 1,500lb capacity ramps

Test the ramp by making the initial deployment. Use the handles as their placement was designed for ergonomic efficiency and safety.

Raise the spare tire back up once all the bolts are tightened and the ramp is in place.

Your HandiRamp Cargo Van Ramp is now successfully installed.