Americans with Disabilities Act Curb Ramp

curb ramp

A curb ramp is a sloped or angled section of a curb providing sidewalk access to those with impaired mobility.

Installing a curb ramp at every intersection is necessary for the independence and safety of a wheelchair-bound individual. Without a curb ramp, these individuals are unable to cross streets by themselves.

Often times a municipality will place truncated domes at the beginning of a curb ramp as a warning to the visually impaired, indicating a change of surface.

The ADA has outlined curb ramp compliance standards for all street/sidewalk junctions built after January 26th 1992. The running slope of a curb ramp must be no more than 8.33 percent, though it can have a slope of up to 10 percent if the rise is 6 inches or less, and up to 12.5 percent if the rise is 3 inches or less. All ramps must be at least 36 inches wide (not including flared sides) and must have detectable warnings installed.

To purchase a curb ramp for your needs, please visit our curb ramp webpage.

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