“How long does my wheelchair ramp have to be?”
This is a question I am asked several times daily, and unfortunately there is not a simple answer.
There are many different factors in determining the correct ramp size, including the rise (distance between the top stair and ground), space available for a ramp vs. space needed, whether or not you would prefer a permanent ramp or portable, and others.
People must also take into consideration that commercial/public ramps must comply with the Federal ADA (The Americans with Disability Act), state codes, county codes or municipal codes. The Federal ADA allows states, county, and municipal governments the opportunity to create or follow existing codes from other sources, provided that the Federal statute is not diminished.
Furthermore, the ADA does not have jurisdiction over a private residential locations use of a ramp, but the ramp may have to comply with state code, county code or municipal code. It is always wise to call your local building code compliance office to verify what your requirements are for a residential ramp. In many locales, portable or temporary structure ramps do not require building permits or subsequent inspections.
Handi-Ramp offers a variety of ramps for both commercial and residential use, and can be customized to meet your unique need. Our “ABCs of Ramp Measurement” allows a prospect to provide Handi-Ramp with their dimensions in a 2D sketch with question and answer format so our ramp experts can advise what may work best for a given specific area.

For more information, please contact Handi-Ramp at (800) 876-7267 (RAMP) or visit them on the web at https://handiramp.com
Thank you for all this great information about choosing a wheel chair ramp! One thing that really stood out to me is that you say to call your local building company to see if installing a ramp is okay. I know that I would want to make sure that I wouldn’t get in trouble for something like that.