Built Up Curb Cut Ramps For Bike and Strollers

Do More Than Meet ADA Access Requirements

The built up curb cut ramp, designed and manufactured by Handi-Ramp, provides access for bikes and strollers. This ramp can be installed in less than 30 minutes at any curb creating the same functionality as a concrete curb cut.

Safety and convenience are very important for all pedestrians. While curb cuts are mandated for handicapped access, all citizens benefit from their use. Bike riders, moms with strollers and people using canes and walkers will find that these curb cut ramps improve their mobility and safety.

Please call us at (800) 876-7267 for more details regarding the Handi-Curb Cut Ramps.
Our sales staff looks forward to discussing our Handi Curb Cut Ramps and how we may be able to help you improve public safety and meet ADA requirements.


Curb Cut Ramps main page
Product specifications and dimensions
Installation instructions

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