Measuring Your Sliding Door for a Threshold Ramp

Before selecting the dimensions of your sliding door threshold ramp, it is important to collect a few measurements from your sliding door threshold to ensure your ramp will fit and function properly. For this part, you’ll need a tape measure as well as a level to help you get the most accurate measurements.

Key Measurements needed to order your Sliding Door Ramp

Measure the interior height – Measure from the floor to the top of the interior threshold, including the sliding door tracks. 

Measure the exterior height – Measure from the ground to the top of the exterior threshold, including the sliding door tracks. This measurement is usually different from the interior threshold height. 

Measure the opening – Measure how wide the sliding glass door opens away from the door jamb. This measurement determines how wide the crossover bridge will be.

Measure the gap – Measure the length of the gap between the furthest edges of the interior and exterior thresholds, over the tracks of the sliding door.

Measure Height of Threshold from the Inside

First, measure the interior height of your threshold, starting from the floor to the top of the sliding door tracks. Use a level to get an accurate measurement if the threshold is over an inch in height. Round up to the nearest inch and record your measurement.

Measure Height of Threshold from the Outside

Then, measure the exterior height, again from the ground to the top of the sliding door tracks. In most cases, the indoor and outdoor threshold height measurements will be different. Again, round up to the nearest inch and record your measurement.

Measure Width of Door Opening

Next, slide open your sliding door to measure how wide the opening is.

Measure Across Threshold from Inside to Outside

Finally, measure the length of the gap between the furthest edges of the interior and exterior thresholds, over the sliding door tracks, including the space needed for the door to open and close freely. Round up to the nearest inch here, too.

This video summarizes how to measure your sliding door threshold to ensure your threshold ramp will have a perfect fit when selecting the ramp’s dimensions. 

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