Non-Slip Stair Treads Factoids

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We’ve all slipped at one time or another in our lives and we know that it’s never fun. Handi-Ramp has compiled a list of slip and fall facts to increase awareness of this dangerous safety hazard.

-Slips and falls cause over 19,000 deaths in the USA annually.
Source: Center for Disease Control

-Slips and falls cost the United States economy over $30 billion annually.
Source: National Safety Council

-Slips and falls cause 5 times more deaths than the flu every year.
Source: Center for Disease Control

-Slip and fall injuries are the number one reason people miss work.
Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics

-You are twice as likely to die from a slip and fall injury than from an assault by firearms.
Source: National Safety Council

-Slip and fall injuries are the seventh most frequent cause of death in the USA.
Source: National Safety Council

-95 million workdays are lost due to slip and fall accidents.
Source: Liberty Mutual Insurance

-365,400 workplace slip and fall injuries occurred in 2009.
Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics

-2 million people are treated in emergency rooms annually due to slip and fall accidents.
Source: Center for Disease Control

-Slip and fall accidents cost the US $3.5 million every hour of every day.
Source: National Safety Council

-Slip and falls are the #1 cause of accidents for employees and customers in supermarkets.
Source: National Floor and Safety Institute

-The nation’s grocery store industry spends $450 million to defend against slip and fall claims.
Source: National Floor and Safety Institute

-Slips and falls are responsible for 57% of all Food Service general insurance liability claims.
Source: CNA Insurance

-Slips and falls are the #1 cause of accidents in hotels, restaurants and public buildings and 70% of these accidents occur on flat and level surfaces.
Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor

-The average cost to defend a slip and fall lawsuit is $50,000.
Source: National Floor Safety Institute

-In 2003, more than 13,700 people 65 years or older died of fall-related injuries.
Source: National Safety Council

-Injuries from falls are the most common cause of visits to the emergency room for young children and adults age 65 and older.
Source: National Safety Council

-One in every three people over the age of 65 falls each year.
Source: National Safety Council

-Injuries related to falls account for 50% of all hospital visits for children under 11 years old.
Source: National Safety Council

-Those 65 and over are hospitalized for fall-related injuries five times more often than they are for injuries from other causes.
Source: National Safety Council

-Chicago’s Willis Building (previously Sears Tower) is the tallest US building with 2,109 steps. A Handi-Tread™ could be put on every step for less than half the cost of defending one slip and fall lawsuit.
Source: National Floor Safety Institute and Handi-Products

Hip fractures are the leading cause of injury-related deaths among those aged 65 and over.
Source: National Safety Council

-Over 90 percent of hip fractures among the elderly are caused by slip and fall accidents.
Source: Center for Disease Control

-In 2009, 2.2 million nonfatal fall injuries among older adults were treated in emergency departments and more than 581,000 of these patients were hospitalized.
Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,
National Center for Injury Prevention and Control.

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