Non-Slip Stair Tread Applications – National Zoo

A national zoo began fielding complaints regarding the safety of their park. Visitors were concerned with numerous slip and fall hazards. The head groundskeeper did some research on slip and fall prevention and decided to try both our non-slip treads and grit paint in a trial run.

He decided to go with our Handi-Treads in the end because of their superior design, ease of installation, and quality customer service. Park management approved his decision and an order was promptly placed. Less than a week later, more than 25 treads were installed on various staircases throughout the zoo, greatly reducing the risk of a slip and fall injury.

To place an order for our non-slip treads, please call us toll-free at (800) 876-7267 or click on a product below to be redirected to our online store.

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